Haseeba Saban

Together we can beat cancer!

( Wandelen 10 km | Lid van team: Team Saban )

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About me:

I'm a 52-year-old global nomad (originally South African) proud Muslimah who has lived and worked across three continents. Mum of two amazing young men, two cheeky felines, and wife to my very best friend, I have lived and still live a blessed and wonderful life.

Even though I was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer last year, I can't complain.  Of course, it was scary and challenging but in the grand scope of things, I have no idea what suffering truly is. I live a privileged life. Praise God! The cancer experience has been humbling and I practice gratitude each and every day. My outlook has changed. I am focused on what matters more than ever - my faith, time with family and loved ones, enjoying nature, and exploring this beautiful universe. There is so much to still see and do!

A huge thank you to The Almighty for giving me more time and granting me a successful recovery and I am in awe of my husband and youngest son who were by my side through each and every step of this life-changing journey.

I had a Whipple procedure in November '22 at Erasmus MC. I opted out of preventative chemo and focused on clean eating, regular exercise, meditation, mindfulness, building my immune system, and exploring functional medicine. I feel so blessed to still be here. My April scans and bloodwork showed that I'm in the clear and the next round of scans is due in August. This is the life of the pancan warrior. The medical care and the amazing team at Erasmus MC were instrumental in my prognosis and recovery. From the cleaning staff to the surgeons, they treated me with respect and love and made the journey so much more bearable.

I have been blessed to have met some amazing people during this journey who were either carers for pancan patients or patients themselves and sadly along the way, some of those beautiful souls departed this world. May they rest in peace.


My genetic testing results show it's not genetic but ...

My dad passed away from pancreatic cancer at the age of 67 and I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last September so I assumed it was genetic but turns out it's not (in my case).


Why am I so vested in raising awareness & fundraising for research?

Because early detection saves lives and research is imperative in pushing boundaries of what's possible to make the breakthroughs that could save thousands of lives every year.


So join me in raising awareness for this aggressive and rare cancer! 


Activiteit: Wandelen 10 km


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